First time to following speech Contest (My Experience)

        Today i will perfome on the speech contest in my campus, really im nervous.. because this is the first time for me  to following the speech contest, but i want to join just for getting a experience and gaining lesson from the competition. and you know guys? the information of competition we got a day before the competition will start, my friends and i were shocked.

before this day, we has a class with Mr. Kurniawan.. he give a information to us to follow the competition speech contest for tomorrow, and from he we know a title of speech for tomorrow.

after our class finish with Mr.Kurniawan..

so..when i want to meet Mr.Kurniawan give a attendance list of my class, he said to me to join this competition but i said to him, sorry sir i cant, i'm not confidence sir... but he still give me advice. so i decide to follow that competition.

and today, we are as contestant of this competition should take a lottery. i got number 10. after that im looking for my fav lecture, im not looking him.. i was whatsapp him, but he not read.. im afraid.. this my first time to speech wkwkwk because i need suggestion of him. and  a few minute i found him, my friend and i come to him, after that we go to his room, and we practice and he give suggestion.. im so a proud of him.. he is awesome,, he is very very smart i want to be like him.. realy..
he is like my father,, almost same..

when the MC called my name, im go to the stage and really im nervous.. standing in the front of many people.. and i start my speech..

really im not confident with my bahan, because i said something that people not understand what i mean, im blank, i felt shy and i cant give the good perfome.. but im still speech in the front of them.. i should confidence whatever i have said..

you know guys, i prepared my bahan at 04:00 subuh. because last night i have something to do about prepare cristmast, practice dance with my junior really im tired... from morning i have class until 3 pm and after that i should teach anak les, and almost every night i have something to do in curch.. God is number one in my life. Sometime i do my homework after all my activities done.

so that is my experience about First time to following speech Contest.. thank you


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