The Forgetful Girl

The Forgetful Girl


Petugas Tata Usaha

Sinopsis :

Forgot is one of the worst problems that girl is intan. Where, this girl always forgot what she had done and what she would do, until at any time he was out of his friend because the virus was infected with his close friendship that is Friska and Yeni so they blame the diamond because of the mistress.

First Setting :

(campus) Intan, friska and yeni are students from University of Lancang Kuning, where they are always compact, help each other and care for one another. When the hour of the course has ended, they went straight to the parking lot with the aim of returning to the boardinghouse to watch youtube because WIFI free. But when we got to the parking, suddenly a bad thing happened ...
Intan      : Omg.. where ?? (looking for something in the bag)
Friska    : why? What are you looking for?
Intan      : my motorcycle keys .. im forgot .. whether I've input to the bag or not ..Omg 

Friska     : hemm .. intan .. intan .. you are forgetful  .. motorcycle keys you can forget ..
Yeni        : remember first intan .. check again in your bag, maybe inside.
intan       : there are no guys ... omg so how now? How can i  going home?
Friska    :  intan,..a key issue that keeps happening every day. Tomorrow I will  hold the key of your motorcycle. (exit)

Second Setting :
Prologue: (TU Room) because the key did get too, finally they decided to go to TU to ask if anyone found the diamond motorcycle keys.

Intan: excuse me sir, i lost the keys of my motorcycle sir .. is there any of the students here that find my motorcycle keys sir?
Officer TU: your motorcycle what brand? And what color?
Diamond: Revo green sir ..
Officer TU: this is your key, next time be careful ..
Diamond: well sir ,, if you know, who find it sir? So that I can say thanks also sir...
Officer TU: hmmm ... I  forgot the person
Diamond: ok sir, thank you sir.
Officer TU: okee 

Third Setting :
Prologue : now .. diamond, friska and yeni arrived dikos. They feel hungry, and plan to want to buy rice in "Blessing" but the diamond forgot to bring money and he borrowed money yeni.

Intan        : guys, do you felt hungry? Buy foods in "Berkah" ? I'm really hungry ..
Yeni         : okee lets goo..
Friska      : I'm really hungry too ..
Intan        :(looking for pocket in bags) where,...??
Yeni         : what happened intan?
Intan         : my pocket .. 
                   i think i leave it at home .. yen can i borrow your money? Tomorrow I pay ..
Yeni          : okee with pleasure .. enjoy 
Intan          : I order a chicken pop yaa ..
Frska         : I'm order rendang chicken
Yeni           : wokayy

Fourth Setting :
Three days later...
today they return as usual to the campus because there is a morning class. Intan forgot to pay yesterday's debt to  yeni, because she felt he had paid the debt yesterday..

Yeni          : intan? ... do bring money that we eat yesterday at "Berkah" ??
Intan         : haa? I
already paid yaa.. ...
Yeni          : Not yet Intan ... I have not received any money from you.
Intan         : already yen ... if not wrong yesterday, when i pay a library book ..
Yeni          : no intan ... hear ya, yesterday you said "tomorrow u will pay yen yeah, because I have to pay  book today" then I say,  its okay. So I ask now .. Did you remember?
Intan         : ahh I do not know I forgot. I'll remember again
Yeni          : (take a breather) alright .. pls remember  ..

Fifth Setting
Prologue     : finally intan pays the debt, because he forgot that yesterday she said yeni that she cant pay for it at the time because of having to pay a book in library. 
Furthermore, with the passage of time, there was a debate between them.

Intan          : friska .. yeni .. lets go to kos .. we need WIFI hheheehe
Yeni           : okee letss .. (with her passion)
Friska        : okeee .. (suddenly step foot stalled) eeh..ehh ... where is my Phone? (check in the bag)    omg where my new IPHONE?? ? Why can I forget like this ??
Intan          : omg friska .. where were you lying? Recall first ..
Yeni           : if friska know,  she will not asking
intan          : yes at least he remember where he last where?
Friska        :  enough!!!! ... this is all because you!!!!!! .. that you who often forget, so I also follow-up ,, virus amnesia you spread to us .. you hear???
Yeni          : really true fris, her debt only said he paid, but not yet ... but yesterday he remembered      that he had a debt to me...

Prologue     : intan is very sad to hear all the words from his close friend. She keeps it all in her heart.
Intan          : yesss my friends .. im sorrry .. cause me.. you become forgetful like me .. im sorry ..  this is the shortage of me .. every human has a shortage? so I promise, I will change my forgetfulness of this .. (with tears that gushing)

Suddenly someone came and immediately gave Friska IPHONE lost the earlier. And she is his classmate his name is Rina who borrowed HP friska for Searching her assignment.
Rina          : hi fris, this is your mobile phone, thank you ya ..
Friska        : oohh so HP me with you, I forgot, I thought lost ..
Rina           : nooo thank you yaaa ...
Friska         : okee u r wellcome
 Prologue: After that, Friska is relieved that her HP is back again. And he apologizes (embraces) to intan for saying that is not good to her. And their friendship becomes more compact and reciprocate each other's deficiencies.

Message: nobody is perfect and accept the lack of your friends if it makes your friendship relationship extraordinary and work together to change the world for the better....

                                                                      _THE END_







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